While spring run-off surges past the solstice and officially into summer, I'm left realizing that this time of year (and the alternate autumn off season) are the main times I fish. Guiding season is of course the same as prime summer fishing months and I rarely get to fish much during that time. What is great about fishing primarily in the spring/early summer and fall is the fact that you become creative with the limited time you get to spend on the water. Personally, fall, while colder and unpredictable, is my favorite time to fish: Less people, low water, hungry fish, good hatches, oh, and nothing but time.
The inaugural Bass Tournament |
Now, however, in what seems like a "pre-pubescent" summer, it's time to get creative and fish some clear water....somewhere. The carp tourney was a blast, lake fishing is on, so what to do? Head up to Ririe Lake outside of Idaho Falls for the 4th annul Bass on the Fly tournament. This time of year, again, is mostly slow trout fishing and luckily for the competitive angler there is a multitude of solid fly fishing tournaments to distract.
First Bass Tourney teams |
Ririe Lake is loaded with smallmouth bass as well as some healthy cutthroat and kokanee salmon, so it's the perfect locale to forget how bad our rivers look right now. Its a great time to fish due to limited options on streams as well as the fact that come those prime summer months, ski boats pretty much ruin the fishing on the Lake. Smallies in Ririe range anywhere from very small to upwards of 2-3lbs; nice size for smallmouth. The past few years I've always competed in the event with team mate Jeff Currier and his wife Granny. In the first year of the tournament we bagged 3rd place and again in the fall tournament we finished 3rd. We were both hungry for a better podium as well as some cash prize to cover our travel and entry expenses. The tourney is always fun as hell and bass are a kick in the pants, plus Currier and I love the challenge. The Bass tourney couldn't have come at a better time.
We headed out June 18th at 5:45 from Victor to go straight to the Lake for check in. This year without the backing from WY BASS, we had to improvise. Boots Allen came in huge, and as far as I know, organized most of the event. Thanks so much for hooking it up Boots! With a max of 5 fish over 12 inches to qualify, the heaviest total weight would take first place. With a big fish category thrown in the mix, it was gonna be a fun day. With aerators cranking in live wells (catch and release), motors firing up, and stoke high for this years tourney, the familiar faces took off from the dock around 8am to hit everyones favorite holes.
Currier and I hit some of our better known spots on our long motor up to our main honey hole and secured 2 fish at 12 inches right off the bat. We were pumped and on the board. The fishing was slow at first yet soon we began to get into them. A sloooooow strip on a sinking line rigged with double clousers proved effective. Our hole was reliable as always and we quickly were replacing our first fish with our new hogs. Just before noon I hooked the biggest bass I've ever caught on Ririe that later weighed in at 1.7 lbs!!! Currier and I were both fired up as always and knew we were in contention. As the fishing continued to slow in the afternoon, the beer consumption didn't and we ended up happy to hopefully have our heftiest catch yet on the lake.
We motored back to the 4:00 weigh in very pleased with our catch for the day. As it turns out after official weigh in, we scored 2nd place and I missed the biggest fish by 0.7lbs!! We were so pumped and the cash prize didn't hurt either. Yet another bass tournament for the books, and this one was just as fun as the last. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the Smallmouth Tourney and show up consistently every year and thanks agian to Boots for getting it organized!!!
Although this years tourney was done, the fishing was not: we all convoyed up to Island Park for the Henry's Fork Ranch opener the following day!!