It was a slow starting yet fantastic ski season in Jackson! I had some amazing days riding with the Pepi's shop crew and friends throughout the year. Whether it was slinging Kastle's and Krypton's in the shop or out on the mountain, this past season reminded me why it's so great to bum it in the Tetons in the winter. With a slightly below average snowpack and long dry spells intermittently during the season, the goods were had but not quite as often or plentiful as past years. No matter, the weather only justified getting out earlier, touring farther, and exploring a lot of new terrain.
With JH now closed I'm back in NC for the offseason working in Raleigh until the fishing season really gets going in July. Not quite the same here, but it's good to be working instead of hanging around. Sure, my fishing time is getting cut into a bit, but I'll be back in the mountains soon enough. It's also nice to be closer to the beach, and with redfish now taking the place of trout, I'm hoping for an epic saltwater season.
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