This trip we choose to fish some flats close to Mt. Pleasant, just off the Wando. Fishing just off the higher traffic Wando River seems un-productive until you get to some of the flats on the first part of a flood tide; the flats literally come alive with tailing redfish. Standing on the bow just watching the water enter the flat and the exact moment when all of a sudden redfish start to feed is a sight for some eyes that haven't seen tails in quite awhile.
The fish were happy for the most part. We must have seen 20 damn reds and had legit shots at maybe 4 of those fish. Kenny got a nice one that wasn't tailing in dense grass like many of the others. There were so many fishing tailing that at one point I was casting to about 3 fish at once. Unfortunately for me, they weren't as receptive and it was hard to present a fly in the dense growth. After some pretty tough days on the flats just seeing all those fish made for a great morning.
After fishing to happy reds for about 45 minutes solid, all of a sudden, the tails disappeared. The tide was finally going back out and our window was closing. The flats we were finding productive were perfectly situated beside deep water creeks being feed by Wando water and must have served as a nice exit once that water began to recede.
Such a sick day to finally see some super active reds!!
Oh yeah, the tide was so big the day before that we came back to the ramp to find it gone, and Kinnison's car muffler deep in water. The Ex-ploder's seen better days.

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